Hair Extensions and COVID-19
As many of you may know, China is a major source of hair extensions. But there is no evidence that synthetic or human hair is being shipped with the Coronavirus, known ass COVID-19. Some hair extension factories in China have temporarily closed amid fears that they could be breeding grounds for the Coronavirus. Other manufacturing sectors have been similarly affected. The FDA announced alternative steps to screen products imported from China. The agency said there’s no evidence that the Coronavirus can spread through imports.
"Fortunately, currently, we are not seeing the impacts of this outbreak resulting in an increased public health risk for American consumers from imported products," the FDA wrote. "There is no evidence to support transmission of COVID-19 associated with imported goods and there have not been any cases of COVID-19 in the United States associated with imported goods."
Fortunately for Haus of Kreme Hair Extensions, our manufacture is in the United States and have not been affected by this.
During this time, staff will be adjusting and reviewing operations with the goal of meeting or exceeding current protocols advised by the CDC and Georgia Department of Public Health.
Once we review operations, these and other health and safety practices will be implemented and enforced:
1. Consistent hand washing after processing each order.
2. Hand sanitizer bottles delivered to each work station and distributed to everyone on the premises.
3. Daily cleaning of work areas before start of day and end of business day. and hand sanitizers
4. Healthy hygiene instructions and CDC facts posted in public spaces.
5. Social distancing. (No Pop Up Shops or Local Delivery)
We will not close down operations and look forward to promoting affordable hair extensions and revitalizing neighborhoods for families as soon as it is possible to do so.
Thank you for your continued commitment to Haus of Kreme Hair Extensions.
Ohemaa Kema
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